Feng Yu

Results 162 comments of Feng Yu

+1 希望作者更新

Same issue here. I find that after restart jenkins, this plugin can work for a while. But later it not works as past.

+1 希望镜像wine,不过暂时没找到wine-builds的同步方式,似乎只能爬取http链接

似乎官方停掉了ftp服务,只能从https://dl.winehq.org/ 访问了



+1 for mirroring gitlab-ce

@puneetbehl Thank you. But it's still not working. I try to replace `implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat"` with `implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jetty"` `java -jar build/libs/restPproject-0.1.war` is working. But still cannot run under Jetty: `-plain.war`: ```sh...

I try to set `ext['jetty.version'] = '10.0.7'`, error `Not running on Jetty, JSR-356 support unavailable` is gone. But still has `Unable to find ServletContextHandler for provided ServletContext`.