Feng Yu

Results 162 comments of Feng Yu

@jazz1611 You may try: ```sh export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ./aria2c .... ``` I'll update README later about this issue.

Seems you still use a very old CentOS 7 without do any `yum upgrade`. If `/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` does not exists. You may try: ```sh export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem ``` And this file should...

I can't reproduce your issue. I run a fresh CentOS 7 from docker: ```sh docker run --rm -it centos:7 ``` Then: ```sh # ./aria2c "https://store4.gofile.io/download/844ac2c6-c71e-4334-aa7d-af0115b307ad/demo.mp4" --ca-certificate='/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem' 04/18 09:50:53 [NOTICE] Downloading...

> @abcfy2 i just try build from your script with custom flag in Ubuntu 20.04 and copy aria2c to CentOS 7, it working perfectly. > > `CROSS_HOST=x86_64-linux-musl ARIA2_EXT_CONF='--with-ca-bundle=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem' bash build.sh`...

> @abcfy2 how can i compile this #1857 to your custom build? My build will store download cache in `downloads/`. So you have to prepared a `aria2-master.tar.gz` under `downloads/` directory....

You can try my build: https://github.com/abcfy2/aria2-static-build/releases/tag/continuous If you were interested in building, you may check my project for detail: https://github.com/abcfy2/aria2-static-build



建议在执行post hook以及renew hook的时候,注入`LE_FULL_CHAIN_PATH`,`LE_FULL_CHAIN`,`LE_KEY`, `LE_KEY_PATH`四个环境变量,分别对应`fullchain内容`,`fullchain证书路径`,`私钥内容`,`私钥路径`,以便hook程序可以直接从这些环境变量拿到所需的内容进行后续自定义操作。考虑到有的证书服务是需要上传证书文件,有的证书服务是在线填入pem文件内容,所以同时注入内容和路径两种环境变量 这样的话我可以自己写一个post hook脚本,实现对接阿里云的CDN的api,将证书上传