Since the data is tab separated. It provides github for better display of the data.
Given username, this API should be able to fetch the user profile Reference: https://github.com/jayeshsolanki93/devgorant/blob/master/devrant.go#L65
Auth for users to be able to post rant, comment, upvote and downvote
Problem statement: Seems like pirant is compatible to only py2.7 currently. We should make it compatible for 3.4 and above also. Solution suggested: @AmirAliM suggested on using SIX package Scope...
Using ubuntu 14. Copied all libs jar files into src. javac -cp swt64.jar:bij.jar:ij.jar:ImageEditor.jar IrisRecognition.java **Error:** ``` location: class IrisRecognition IrisRecognition.java:46: error: cannot find symbol private Vector irisDb = new Vector();...