Hi @nlsdfnbch Extremely sorry for my super late review. Since, its christmas time(peak season), didn't get time for my personal project. I am new to travis ci build features and...
@Cogitri We need to recheck once again. @AmirAliM found out an instance were it fails. In python 3, response.context returns bytes while in python 2.7, it returns string. Hence, json.loads()...
@AmirAliM , @Cogitri mentioned about using future over six. He also provided a reference: http://python-future.org/faq.html#what-is-the-relationship-between-future-and-six Have a look into it and lets discuss how to resolve this issue or whether...
@joserc87 Cool. Great idea. Lets push some more codes and release a production ready version 1. Then we will look into it.
PR: https://github.com/aayush26/pirant/pull/28
Barebones done. working url for documentation: http://pirant.readthedocs.io
@nlsdfnbch Thanks for adding docstrings. We are using sphinx and hosting it at readthedoc, though its in very initial stage with almost no documentation. All setup has been done. Your...
@radhikasundararaman24 Sure. You can look the existing docstrings and check if they are generating docs correctly. If no, you can add `automodule:*` as mentioned above to create docs.
@nlsdfnbch Thanks for opening the issue. I didn't released new version with the latest commits as I wanted to invest more time on covering more APIs and setting up stuffs...
Though, I have wrote good amount of code in python, but all for personal purpose like crawlers or classifiers/ML stuffs. Hence, never followed coding standards. This is my first time...