
Results 12 comments of Abhishek

Similar issue with an app that I use called Moment.

I can confirm, this happens with me too with IntelliJ opened in full screen. Intel Core i7, macOS 11.2.3 hidden version 1.8

Create this file(I don't know why it is missing) and then add the content from this [link](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml).

This is our old project, it is really bad. Please download the latest version made upon dlib and microsoft cognitive vision api. If you still want to make this project...

Yes, it is old. It used to work but her youtube channel is still working, you can visit that.

This repository is the latest [repository](https://github.com/malharsk27/Autoattendance-Cognitive). I don't know how you got the old one.

[This](http://docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/d5/de5/tutorial_py_setup_in_windows.html) will help. I think you are in too much hurry. This setup will take some time, cannot do it in an hour.

Also, import cv2 is required only for opening and closing the images. You can do that without openCV. Just search it on stack overflow.

I learned the basic face detection from the documents of OpenCV which are the best, then I found dlib which had an accuracy of around 95% in face detection, far...

Have you installed OpenCV's python version?? Almost all of the error's solutions are available on google. Links: [DLIB Documentation](http://dlib.net/python/index.html), [google search](https://www.google.co.in/search?q=dlib+face+detection+python&oq=dlib+face+dete&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.0j0i20i263k1j0l8.3960.7891.0.9405., [opencv face recognition](http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/contrib/doc/facerec/facerec_tutorial.html). This is the last reply as...