Fabien Leboeuf

Results 14 issues of Fabien Leboeuf

First. thank for your package. I am using it for documenting mine. i use google doctring and would like to add an example section. I simply wrote in my editror...


Hello I struggle to install every depedancies for working with your script. I work under windows with python3.7 from anaconda32bits. tensorflow sound not compatible with python3.7 even if i made...

Hi Your package is aweful. thank for this major contribution. Could you just give me an example of a button pointing a link. i tried out : ` .. button::...

the woltring processions known as GCSV [https://isbweb.org/resources/software-resources/137-signal-processing-software](url) is a method used in some nexus for either filtering your data or computing linear velocity/acceleration. So as to be closed Vicon pipeline...


The oxford foot model is a wide spread model of the foot. It should be implemented in openMA. A v3d doc can be used as [guideline](http://www.c-motion.com/v3dwiki/index.php?title=Tutorial:_Oxford_Foot_Model).


there is an amazing cheat sheet for Btk [(](http://biomechanical-toolkit.github.io/news/2015/07/22/Python-Cheat-Sheet/) ;-) could we write an openMA sheet ? Fabien


the foot pitch angle is an absolute angle assessing heel rise.


Might be worth to compute the joint Moment contribution for CGA. a joint moment can be splited as follow :+1: - inertial contribution - gravitational contribution - distal segment contribution...

whereas addParent exist, the node s method addChildren doas exist yet. This method should exist, shouldn t you ?

In case of we want extract only Moment from a trial, i suggest to alter the statement : kineticAnalysis.findChildren(ma.T_TimeSequence ,".*",[["type",ma.TimeSequence.Type_Moment]]) by a quite simple method : kineticAnalysis.findChildren(ma.T_TimeSequence ,ma.TimeSequence.Type_Moment)
