> 是 这个应该是系统问题,win11 有一版有这个问题
ESL has not been updated for a long time because the lyric scrolling effect has not met the author's expectations, and finally the author has started from scratch and written...
The author has actually added a link to the site on the ESL settings page. Or search for ESLyric on the GitHub site and you'll find it.
Can not return real-time download speed, download progress. interface IHttpRequestEx { Properties: [r,w]String SavePath;//文件保存路径,默认为%profile_path%\\cache Methods: String Run(url, verb = "GET"); UINT RunAsync(id, url, fn = "", verb = "GET"); }...
With the web search script, I can download mp3 and so on. Maybe a picture is easier to explain. [https://imgur.com/a/MYHX1UR](url)
Personally, I think it is acceptable.
This will be an exciting and anticipated update.
1 分组模板里 选择对应的分组模板 2 底下 播放列表过滤 里面填入 对应播放列表名称,多个列表用 ; 隔开 或者 右键菜单播放列表过滤也可以,琢磨尝试一下