
Results 24 comments of a-tonchev

@JiHong88 thanks, when is the version 3 release date planned?

@probablyup you can just copy the a tag what I shared `http://example.com/` and paste it somewhere here: https://probablyup.com/markdown-to-jsx/ You can see then the source code of the view: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54528540/104220871-cdad5780-5448-11eb-9826-159271e618d3.png)

@Prabhakar-Poudel well, this is a workaround, and that is what I am also using now. But since this is an unexpected behavior I would still let it as a bug.

I think some event listeners get removed, but there are some that just stack: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54528540/93761902-488f0000-fc17-11ea-88ef-4b878ee8e098.png)

@lostpebble Thanks, this indeed solved the problem. But React.StrictMode is already in the default template of CRA: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/pull/8558 And probably it would be better to keep it like this and...

@lostpebble Thanks, yeah well, hopefully they will fix this bug. There are some recommendations to use the useRef in combination with useEffect: https://frontarm.com/daishi-kato/use-ref-in-concurrent-mode/#the-good-code But since I am not an expert...

Issue still here, probably we need to make a fork

My solution is like this: ``` const onLoadFunction = () => { console.log('helmet loaded'); } window.onHelmetLoad = onLoadFunction; useEffect(() => { return () => { window.onHelmetLoad = null; } },...

On the other hand, it is good to have the option to decide which chunks should be loaded immediately, because thus we will avoid the waterfall-effect on chunks that are...

Yes the issue is still there and since it is build issue, I can not just make a code-sandbox example. The repository I mentioned in [my first post](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/5189#issue-1015237422) shows clearly...