
Results 24 comments of a-tonchev

I also face this bug, what would be the workaround?

I also need this feature. In other libraries you could provide e.g. fuzzyness: 0.2

I fixed this issue with using 2 containers - one above the other. You just need to maintain the items amount correctly, then it works well.

My workaround: useEffect(() => { const cleanClasses = () => { document.body.className = ''; }; document.addEventListener('touchend', cleanClasses, false); return () => { document.removeEventListener('touchend', cleanClasses, false); }; }, []);

My workaround: const cleanClasses = () => { document.body.className = ''; }; document.addEventListener('touchend', cleanClasses, false);

I wish also this functionality

Same here - Vite + Vime + React

@JiHong88 somehow it don't work: Here an example: https://codesandbox.io/s/suneditor-react-forked-w5eyji?file=/src/App.js