> then please provide a github repository or a reproduction via [vite.new](https://vite.new/) so it will be easier for us to look through @Niputi you can try my repo, things break...
I found that parser of protobuf.js may not be the right tool. It's not modularized and has no source location support. I'm gonna try crafting my own parser. 😼
https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npx ``` npm exec -- [@] [args...] npm exec --package=[@] -- [args...] npm exec -c ' [args...]' npm exec --package=foo -c ' [args...]' npx [@] [args...] npx -p [@] [args...]...
Yeah, I agree it is a niche proposal. But that code is unlikely what we intend to write: [ts playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/JYOwLgpgTgZghgYwgAgKoGdrIN4ChkHLAAmA-AFzIgCuAtgEbQDc+hIctEFy6YUoAcxYBfXLlCRYiFAGEA9uAgAPMDlYEE1KFAjgM0bvqgixE6PCTIAYsAA2KPISJlKvfiCHrkcgO4gDlDQMzLiiuMQQCLZwOsgICrzIMHYQlDb2LBFRMSjxIIkIYEqU8ooqLLgA9JXIYAAWwOjItqAotnJyANZNyf7IcCDEyAAOcOiYTWAAnsO5dZHdAHRVNfTUqsAbTdSY9uPLwDDIABTJ9ou+-lDIAIQAvHdxRYua2rpgRgCUak71UL5UCA+ZAAUW0cigxwARLMoLRGuhgApkBEQMAIMQoZ9QmIgA) ```ts interface User { id?: number; name?: string; } interface...
Assignable is different from comparable. Comparable: intersection of two types is not empty. Assignable: source is a subtype of target > When you compare User | undefined to number |...
Sorry I did not make myself understood. Only union types are considered here. We will/should use `checker.isComparableTo` if [it would ever become public](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/9879). The algorithm of this rule is roughly:...
I see. It is surprising that an object with all properties being optional is comparable to basically everything. ```ts interface Foo { foo?: string; } interface Bar { bar?: string;...
Fixed in nightly version. https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?ts=4.9.0-dev.20220827&filetype=js#code/LAKA9AVBoAQTABADgQwE4oLYwN44M4D2mApgBIoB2AJgDYloBcMAFAC4AWAlvszrDEGCUSLgGU2aLpQDmzfJOkyBQmCK4A5AK6YARg2aUd+tCqHqAQoUL0qzXdduVQAXwCUMALwA+GADdCLmoXFxhUDGwAWhgAQRgFKVkw9CwAOlgIMFAAMy1KAGM2LkJKeOISADE8wuLKFnCsD34QV1A2kCJSKoKikpZmwU7yKjoGFiazMDAYaTYSWloeEkp8EniOQgB3fDU-FC5aFF16GAADTh5T2IAFAEkwtEIkBiKSfDML-HSQQRdXN3aQ26NT6AzKpAoNHoaHGuA+3C+lkcJCoXhgki0JAA3JNprN5otVis1vgNttdvtDsc1ucEVcYncHk8Xlw3vCeN9fv9AeVgb06mChpDRkwYLkerVYWDBFMZpQ5gslsT1lsdig9gcjidaZcbvckI9nmhXu8fkJPpyYH8QO4eV1qvz+gIhSNocxxSC6hMzYILUibCjSp50WhMbi5QrCctVjASrQAJ4q8mnf1OK4G5nG+MAGhgJAAHs9CujCEm1AsYNQSNlpCRqGdPvTGRmjSb2V8BNb3EA
Maybe add some test & baseline files so beginners can try it out themselves? And enable discussion here?
I guess documentation on how to debug tests on vscode would be helpful.