Thomas Lorblanchès

Results 9 comments of Thomas Lorblanchès

Hi, I'm not an Android developer so I'm not familiar with the Android manifest files and the Android build process. But you can propose a Pull Request :-)

Hi @Vorta1, Could you give me the address of a public repository with an Android project using the android-maven-plugin, so I can take a look at the produced artifacts? Regards

Hello, I'm not sure to understand what you want to do. If you want to process nested jar files (feature added with then you need to use "nestedIncludes" and...

Hi all, Lots of Maven plugins have been updated to be compatible with reproducible builds (cf. and I don't have a precise list of all the features of...

Thanks @hboutemy. I was not able to find a ticket for Devoxx Fr this time, I'll try Devoxx Belgium... Do you plan a talk to present these new Maven reproducible...

I confirm the problem. It seems that the fix for #259 in spotbugs 4.1.3 only fixes "simple" try with resources statements, but it does not work if the resource is...

I have analyzed the problem further. When compiling the following method: ``` public void method() throws IOException { // RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE detected by spotbugs 4.1.4!! try (Socket socket = createSock()) {...

This issue is really annoying for Java EE applications, where we use to deploy an uber WAR file including all the dendencies. Because of that I had to switch from...

Same problem here under Debian 12 (octave 7.3.0-2, python3-octave-kernel 0.32.0-4). Also it takes dozens of seconds to print the spaces, which make it unusable. Any workaround?