
Results 27 comments of Zilacon

You never made an update for the version this issue was reported for (1.7.10) only one updated on your website is 1.12.2. Please make a version for 1.7.10. @asaskevich

You never made an update for the version this issue was reported for (1.7.10) only one updated on your website is 1.12.2. Please make a version for 1.7.10. @asaskevich

Any update on this?

If you get the Technic Launcher it makes things easier as every server with the issue is downloadable from there. Searchable packs: APOC AS 3.1.4, APOC YCC Official Packs: Attack...


Here is the mods for Agrarian Skies: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0attglrt3r0soc/AS-Mods.7z?dl=0

But as i said, every other server software i use, even the original hybrid servers that we had to force patch to allow java 8 even works with it. But...

> Could be related to [a8f15e4](https://github.com/CrucibleMC/Crucible/commit/a8f15e4a0a6f7ac0ea74a6e94c4a6828ad819544) No, that patch was at the request of me to add oj9 support. Without that crucible doesnt even start using oj9.

Nope. Removing the cache and adding -Xint resulted in the same crash. Using temurin also resulted in the same crash. Temurin launch log: [latest.log](https://github.com/eclipse-openj9/openj9/files/9602030/latest.log)

I'm very confused, I've tested every single build that's available on https://adoptopenjdk.net/archive.html?variant=openjdk8&jvmVariant=openj9 and they all crash. I've made sure to wipe my cache on every test as well. 0.33.1 8u345b01...