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Crucible incompatible with OpenJ9 SharedCache
Using OJ9 SharedCache will cause the server to crash, and the FML Security will throw errors 2022-01-05-4.log
I am not having an issue using OJ9 Cache on my 1.5.2/1.6.4/1.12.2 servers.
Avoid using shared classes with forge, or at least make sure to only use -Xshareclasses:bootClassesOnly
without Ahead of Time compilation. In general, forge itself has several issues with class transformation and openj9 which are far from our reach to even try to fix.
But as i said, every other server software i use, even the original hybrid servers that we had to force patch to allow java 8 even works with it. But it doesnt with crucible...
Could be related to a8f15e4a0a6f7ac0ea74a6e94c4a6828ad819544
Could be related to a8f15e4
No, that patch was at the request of me to add oj9 support. Without that crucible doesnt even start using oj9.
Crucible itself works just fine with -Xshareclasses
, the problem is that forge class transformation is unstable with openj9 in general, specially with class sharing, as you can see in the logs everything is beyond broken, logic pipes can't register its transformers, grimoire can't load properly as a forge mod, most stacktraces are broken with "