> @hduonggithub > Can you tell me how to compile the nearest neighbors in utils folder in windows platform? python setup.py build_ext --inplace
hello, i meet the same problem, can you tell me how to fix it ?@zhanghang1989 @zhangbin0917
I think i had fix the problem,thanks for @zhangbin0917 advice,my torch==1.7.0 1、fix the code in ....\site-packages\encoding\nn\syncbn.py at about line 200 from return syncbatchnorm(........).view(input_shape) to x, _, _=syncbatchnorm(........) x=x.view(input_shape) return x...
have some one resolve this problem?i want to use this tools to eval my own datast,but the label classes is not same as WOD。
王中挺, 李小英, 李莘莘, et al. GF-1星WFV相机的快速大气校正[J]. 遥感学报, 2016, 20(03):5-12. 该论文的第“3.2 观测几何计算”中也有提到:“xml文件中提供的天顶角实为高度角,还需进行处理以获得所需天顶角
6s内置传感器应该是支持landsat 5的。