Results 24 issues of Zentrik

Not sure what exactly I did to get it working, but I'm using the latest windows steam vr beta and I changed the mapping for beatsaber, changing the triggers to...

The method is defined as ```jl @eval function (P::Type{Pair{A, B}})(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) where {A, B} @inline return $(Expr(:new, :P, :(convert(A, a)), :(convert(B, b)))) end ``` ```julia (CodeTracking) julia> method = @which...

Replaces #325 (closes #325) Depends on This pr adds the ability to run perf at the end of a benchmark run once. It's disabled by default. If enabled it...

Tests were failing on Julia 1.10.2 due to a warning being printed. I removed the check as testing for no warnings was too strict and if any errors occur, the...

Armv8 Macs should be the only tier 1 platform, according to, that CI doesn't run on after #529. I'm not sure if GitHub has Arm Mac runners.

Currently the VSCode Inlay hints only show up for the file in which the method we are descending on is defined. It would be nice to show hints for all...


Note `::Type{Int64}` is omitted the first time. ```julia julia> versioninfo() Julia Version 1.11.0-DEV.1226 Commit 1d3dd859ff8 (2024-01-07 22:06 UTC) Build Info: Official release Platform Info: OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu) CPU: 16...

Not sure why this happens but if there's a test failure the testsuite seems to run for 6 hours before timing out. E.g.,,

```julia julia> @descend Base.print_to_string(Float64) print_to_string(xs...) in Base at strings/io.jl:133 133 function print_to_string(xs::Tuple{DataType}...)::String 134 if isempty(xs::Tuple{DataType})::Bool 135 return "" 136 end 137 (siz::Int::Type{Int64})::Int64 = 0 138 for x::Type{Float64} in xs::Tuple{DataType}::Tuple{DataType, Int64}...

Specifically, it seems to be the call to `mpfr_strtofr` added in See for more info. is the line where the error occurs, ```C pstr->alloc = (size_t) strlen...