Results 42 comments of Zeks

I think I have figured it out, but error messages could explain what could be the problem in more detail probably. Problem is: someone who needs to figure it out...

May I suggest displaying valid command examples in the error message?

if you tell me what to look for maybe I will be able to debug myself. This wall of text is impenetrable without a hint :)

k... might take a while because this crash is really inconsistent, running in debug mode rn, refuses to happen so far.

Doesn't work with c++17 because I can't compile the bot if I set c++17 in cmakelists and otherwise constructor for Channel from basic_string_view is not defined (lib uses nonstd). ![image](

I mean: this error is why I can't compile the bot with c++17.

And if it is compiled with c++14 _then_ constructor from string_view is undefined if I try to link against it from my code that needs c++17 to be set

My IDE sees this code as ![image]( Is this correct? Maybe c++17 triggers incorrect ifdef branch here?

![image]( full error

``` set_target_properties(sleepy-discord PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17) set_target_properties(sleepy-discord PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) target_compile_features(sleepy-discord PUBLIC cxx_std_17) ``` this is what I changed in cmakelists.txt