Results 42 comments of Zeks

For the reference: I am compiling with gcc 8.2

![image]( It looks like repeatedly opening private communications channel somehow kills the bot's poll cycle(my assumption). It doesn't crash but after a time of running(like 5-15 minutes) the code like...

across 2 channels the bot is sitting at it receives maybe 60-200 messages in that interval of time

This doesn't explain why the bot stops picking up new messages and "goes offline" on the discord. Unfortunately, if it's not addrerssed I am going to have to move to...

It doesn't stop on createDirectMessageChannel or anything, it just stops receiving new onMessage events without an identifiable reason

Nope, there are no console messages, I did see those when I hit the limits, but in this situation "pings" from the line of the code in the post above...

oops, closed accidentallly

I will try to make sure I open a PM channel only for actual responses tho if that might be the case. It's simple enough fix so why not

I am specifically asking because schedule() isn't really that. because you can't know when the task is going to finish ahead of time.

Yes, I was trying to separate long task. I think I have managed it.