fetch_ros icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fetch_ros copied to clipboard

Open ROS Components for Robots from Fetch Robotics


Open ROS Components for Robots from Fetch Robotics


Please refer to our documentation page: http://docs.fetchrobotics.com/

ROS Buildfarm Development Branches

Fetch Package Indigo Devel Kinetic Devel Melodic Devel Dashing Devel
fetch_ros EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: not supported Build Status :construction: in planning :construction:

Kinetic support, has been skipped. Ubuntu 18.04 supports both ROS1 and ROS2, so it was decided that effort will go towards ROS2 support in the future instead of supporting Kinetic.

ROS Buildfarm Release

Fetch Package Indigo Kinetic * Melodic Source Melodic Debian
fetch_calibration EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_depth_layer EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_description EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_ikfast_plugin EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_maps EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_moveit_config EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_navigation EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status
fetch_teleop EOL :negative_squared_cross_mark: Build Status Build Status