Marcio Zebedeu
Marcio Zebedeu
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen:_ This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is...
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen:_ This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is...
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen:_ The blue rectangle displays color customization options, including a default color palette and a custom color picker. The highlight...
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen:_ The blue rectangle displays background color customization options, including a default color palette and a custom color picker. The...
 ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot displaying the Site Dashboard view. A blue rectangle highlights the black "+" plus sign button located in the lower right-hand corner, indicating to create.
 ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Create New pop-up menu. A blue rectangle highlights the "Blog post" option to create a new blog post.
@femkreations I will work on it in case someone is not working.
@zzap is anyone currently working on this?
Instead of the **icon**, the existing video in the article contains the text **Preview**. 
- [ ] Make sure all screenshots are relevant to the latest version - [ ] Make sure videos, if any, are up to date - [X] Add ALT tags...