Marcio Zebedeu
Marcio Zebedeu
@miminari I believe that a string search gets better, considering that there are locales that are not detected by the browser currently.
> I signed it I signed it
 ALT: _WordPress Mobile App screenshot of Pages_. This image shows a WordPress post management screen with two highlighted areas. The blue rectangle highlights the three vertical dots that open...
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of Pages under the "Trash" setting_: This image shows a WordPress post management screen with two highlighted areas. The blue rectangle highlights the three...
 _ALT:_ This image shows a confirmation dialog box that appears after selecting the "Delete Permanently" option from the previous image. The red rectangle highlights the "DELETE" button, which confirms...
 ALT: The image shows a confirmation dialog box with a red band highlighting the text "Post is being trashed". This message appears after selecting the option to delete or...
**Instructions to Permanently Delete a Post on the WordPress Mobile App:** 1. You can move a post or page to Trash directly from My Site → Posts or My Site...
Uploading WhatsApp Video 2024-05-23 at 15.19.02.mp4…
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen_: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded....
 _ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen_: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded....