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[Mobile App] [screenshots] Can I make my text fancy?
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- [ ] Add ALT tags for the images
Heads up @WordPress/docs-issues-coordinators, we have a new issue open. Time to use 'em labels.
Hey @CalolanC, thanks for your interest in this issue! 🍪🍪🍪
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in our #docs Slack channel.
Enjoy and happy contributing ❤️
Here are the iOS Screenshots + associated ALT text to copy + paste
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Post Editor view. Some text is highlighted and the "Bold" styling has been applied, a blue rectangle highlights the "B" (bold) styling option.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Post Editor view. Some text is highlighted and the "Italic" styling has been applied, a blue rectangle highlights the "I" (italics) styling option.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Post Editor view. Some text is highlighted and the "Italic" styling has been applied, a blue rectangle highlights the cogwheel icon for text settings.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Text Settings view. Options are displayed to update the Color of text and background as well as update Advanced fields such as HTML Anchor.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Background color settings. A pink background has been applied to the highlighted text and there is a checkmark over the pink background option.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Text color settings. A white text color has been applied to the highlighted text and there is a checkmark over the white text option.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot showing the Post Editor view. The text in the paragraphs has various styling applied: bold, italics, and a section with a pink background and white text.
Uploading WhatsApp Video 2024-05-23 at 15.19.02.mp4…
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded. At the bottom, there are several formatting options, including buttons for adding media, changing text alignment, adding a drop cap, bolding text, adding links, undoing, and redoing changes.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded. At the bottom, there are several formatting options. The blue rectangle highlights the italic button, which allows the user to italicize selected text in the post.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded. At the bottom, there are several formatting options. The blue rectangle highlights the link button, which allows the user to add a hyperlink to the selected text in the post.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: This image shows a WordPress post titled "Hello world!" with some highlighted text. The highlighted text "WordPress" is bolded. The highlighting "Link to" field in the toolbar, which allows the user to insert a link to an external website or resource within the post text.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: The blue rectangle displays color customization options, including a default color palette and a custom color picker. The highlight is on the selected red color option in the default palette, enabling users to change the text color in the post or page.
ALT: WordPress Mobile App screenshot of a post editing screen: The blue rectangle displays background color customization options, including a default color palette and a custom color picker. The highlight is on the selected lighter color in the first row of color options, enabling users to change the background color of the text in the post or page.