
Results 5 issues of Zamir

What are the chances to bind to AvaloniaUI?

Node.LookAt turn too fast in OnUpdate, how rotation Node with RunActionsAsync? new RotateTo - work? strange(

I put Engine.MaxFps = 2000 in any case does not exceed 60 in winforms. On android and wpf - fine. (1.8.93)

there is a possibility to stop animation ahead of schedule? ``` act= await node.RunActionsAsync(new EaseSineOut(new RotateAroundBy(... node.RemoveAllActions(); // Works node.RemoveAction(act); // Fail ```


A great project to learn Skiasharp, but I can’t start the WPF project in any way (is this possible? Error Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name: key FlappyBird.WPF