
Results 14 comments of Mathis

Agreed. What the status on this? :)

#219 #238 #176 #172 Yes that issue basically already exists: #97 oops

@Almenon yes, I'll copy the message I sent you on reddit: Hey there! :) You invited me to contribute to AREPL recently, but I've pulled the repo and it is...


@Almenon Lovely! I'm at work rn but I'll see that I get started doing some stuff :) This is the sixth project I have in parallel so I need to...

What do You mean by idempotency in this context? No changes to the file system? A line not affecting the previous local variables? Please elaborate :)

@Almenon Ah I see, thank You! Yes that makes sense. I pm-ed You on reddit by the way

How about an optional search?

@ezolenko do you know what exact typescript api call causes the build to slow down? :)

Alright thanks. If I get around to it this might be a wall I'm willing to bash my head against so to speak :) Edit: This problem only occurs for...