Zac Zhuo Zhang
Zac Zhuo Zhang
> 这个以后可能会做,还会考虑做一个独立版的同步服务,可以给有服务器的人部署,还有webdav、gist等的同步,但这都是 _**理想**_ 求Gist明文同步!简单易行~
the same on Chrome Windows... need a bit of help with it please :) @antelle
just found the `compas.geometry.Brep.slice` in [Brep ]( exactly what we need, although it is a bit hidden and not categorized in `compas.geometry.intersection`. Hope the whole Brep class can be upgrade...
yes, it's not a big issue. mathmatically the floating number is preferred in the front. like `a = k b`, a, b are vectors.
## Thanks for the reply! ## I have tried your examples actually, but somehow did not work either. ## Runing `python -m examples.pybullet_demo -d DUCK`: ```terminal (compas) C:\Zac\GitHub\pybullet_planning_tutorials>python -m examples.pybullet_demo...
agree. if there are more prompts of multiple constructors and descriptions that would be great. simply add more comments in each definition. This will help us A LOT to code...