`` it is wrong? --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](https://app.bountysource.com/issues/88190712-code400?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F10940535&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github)** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](https://app.bountysource.com/?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F10940535&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github).
I had installed it in my server,but i don't know how to do use it
at first, i want to change my image which is referenced from CSS, like: `` so i enable the filter: pagespeed EnableFilters rewrite_css; pagespeed EnableFilters combine_css; pagespeed EnableFilters fallback_rewrite_css_urls; pagespeed...
i want to add some infomation pagespeed outputs name to like it: origin : img/x3.jpg.pagespeed.ic.H6sbbzn1no.webp change to-> : img/x3.jpg.pagespeed.xxxx.ic.H6sbbzn1no.webp i read this issue #847 which in 2014 Nov 6 ,...
/img/1.jpg ->working chrome get ->img/x1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.oi_Bc-Td8w.webp 1.jpg original-size:59.27KB 800x500 1.jpg.webp size: 9.7KB 800x500 that's great, but: /img/4.jpg -> not working chrome get ->img/4.jpg 4.jpg original-size:4.19MB 7952x5304 no error.log second problems: html-code-->...
server { ... location / { ... more_set_input_headers 'myheader: test123'; .. } ... } html-code: img src="http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/test/1.jpg" it doesn't send request header to x.x.x.x?