incubator-pagespeed-ngx copied to clipboard
can i add some infomation to pagespeed outputs name?
i want to add some infomation pagespeed outputs name to like it:
origin : img/x3.jpg.pagespeed.ic.H6sbbzn1no.webp
change to-> : img/x3.jpg.pagespeed.xxxx.ic.H6sbbzn1no.webp
i read this issue #847 which in 2014 Nov 6 , and find in my server,but it doesn't been found .. lives here:
You'd have to build psol from source to change it and link ngx_pagespeed against it. See on how to pull that off, and feel free to post back here in case you need any help.
What do you want to put in for the 'xxxx'?
BTW there are some not-well-publicized variations on that ".pagespeed." format to accommodate URL signing and embedded options. I'm not 100% sure what state either of those features is in, but it should be possible to adjust to add more data if you can figure out how to plumb it through. Feel free to ping this thread to ask for advice.