As title. I found in solve_nn it is trying to train a small network that maps states to actions. What dose it used for? And is that possible to add...
Hi there, I am trying to use 3 kinect camera to get multiview pointclouds and fuse them. I have one top down camera and one on left another on right....
HI there, I try to run multiworld env with her-sac. But for the pushing environment SawyerPushAndReachEnvEasy-v0, I run for multiple times, it could not converge. The parameters i use are:...
Hi there, I tried to subscribe 2 cameras' topic and show them together(camera1 's rgb, cameara2's depth).But sometimes it can not go into callback function. If I change to subscribe...
Hi there, I want to ask that, is there some tricks to set some keys like proprio_observation, proprio_desired_goal, proprio_achieved_goal. Also, are those things redundant for training? Cause, when i only...
Hi, I want to ask does anybody know how to change the launch file to make multicamera works? I did not find any place to change ros ouput name field....
The error shows like this: But the info below shows the format  process[camera/mycam-2]: started with pid [27338] unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT attempt to claim already-claimed interface 1 Not a...
Hi there, I want to ask that what is the meaning for KDL in ros kinect or original KDL and how could I install it? I goole some methods but...