
Results 11 issues of YuxiHu

Hi, thank you for your code! I run your pre-trained model on DTU dataset but the point cloud is not as complete as that the original project generated. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34529345/124895486-2b44ea00-e00f-11eb-80af-9c31f2a7e515.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34529345/124895639-4f083000-e00f-11eb-9777-ee2ff715467b.png)

help wanted

Thank you for your great work! When I tried to train the network using DTU dataset, there was a CUDA error during the train process. Could you please tell me...

Hi, thank you for sharing! In README.md, you mentioned that the DTU dataset for training is like: Cameras, Depths and Rectified. However, in fine-tune, your shell code is: > CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0...

Hi, thank you for your great work! I noticed that there is a function named **convert_sdf_samples_to_ply** in **utils.py** when I tried to extract mesh. Could you please tell me how...

Thank you for your sharing! I download the nerf_synthetic dataset and your pre-trained model. When I run > python render.py --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml --database nerf_synthetic/lego/black_800 --pose_type eval There is an error:...

1.能否上传一下数据库文件或表结构? 2.首页index.jsp在web-inf下,是无法直接通过浏览器打开的,部署后该如何访问? 希望能尽快解答,感激不尽!

Thank you for sharing this great paper and excellent code. I followed the README file in CVA-MVSNet. When I tried to train the model, there was a TypeError. Could you...

Thank you for your great work! There are many subsets of scene flow and KITTI dataset. Which should I download and how should I organize them? There will be an...

pre-trained model cannot reconstruct on other dataset, such as TankandTemples. I resized the images from TankandTemples to 1600X1200 but the result is not good. All of those are like this...

将jsp拉出到web content之后,登录页面只剩下填空框,并且登录报错无法与数据库连接