
Results 23 comments of YuxiHu


Yes, I use your pre-trained model from the url you post: _ckpt_epoch_10.ckpt. And I use this command: python eval.py \ --root_dir $DTUTESTPATH \ --dataset_name dtu \ --split test \ --ckpt_path...

In order to keep the version consistent, I did not use RTX3090. I use 2080ti. I did use python 3.7, and cudatoolkit==10.1, cudnn==8.0.5, pytorch==1.7.1, torchvision==0.8.2(0.5.0 will report error). And other...

I tried pytorch==1.4.0, the result is the same as pytorch==1.7.1,the point cloud file of scan1 is 238M.

It’s a pity that it didn’t work.

It is strange that they are different. I did download the latest version of the code. ![depth_visual_0000](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34529345/125196379-5425e300-e28c-11eb-8d23-3b3f94d48f99.jpg) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34529345/125196396-6142d200-e28c-11eb-9449-2716bb84e2a7.png)

Thanks a lot! I think the folder named "Rectified" I used is wrong, the pictures in it are 640X512. They should be 1600X1200, right? What is the architecture of your...

When testing, do we need to use DTU testing data from [MVSNet-pytorch](https://github.com/xy-guo/MVSNet_pytorch)? The images in dataset are 1600X1200. Or we just use the data in traning dataset(which is 640X512)? I...

I download the dataset from MVSNet project. The images under dtu_training/Rectified are 640X512, and they have another testing dataset(1600X1200). The structure of testing dataset is: **scanXXX**: **cams**, **images**, **pairs.txt**. But...

No. My machine has one 3060 GPU. The training process is cool but this erros occues when I finetune if I use number of epochs larger than 1.