Yuanxian Huang

Results 11 comments of Yuanxian Huang

> I noticed some bugs in the original cuda runfile. I fixed it by installing the four patches of CUDA in https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-90-download-archive?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1604&target_type=runfilelocal. It does work and hope it works for...

I meet the same error. It seems to there are wrong with `SparseEncoder`.

Has any more elegant solutions? It's annoying to convert weights manually every time. I trained CenterPoint from scratch, and also meet the same problem. This error seems related to `SparseEncoder`....

> > Has any more elegant solutions? It's annoying to convert weights manually every time. I trained CenterPoint from scratch, and also meet the same problem. This error seems related...

> The unit test check fails. Please fix it accordingly. Which one has problems in your environment? I checked carefully agian, but nothing wrong. I work in: - mmcv==1.5.0 &...

> I find there are many comments you resolved while did not fix actually. Is there any code you have not updated online? If you do not understand a specific...

> @JoeyforJoy 能截个图吗,我看看哪个界面一直在加载 感谢回复. 我这边的界面是这样的. 不管界面上有没有二维码, 点击"从屏幕扫描二维码"后,都会出现同样的情况 ![2022-03-17 12-05-10 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42203193/158735297-6c8778b4-01de-44a3-acb4-942e0d729f29.png)

> 图里面的节点是我手动添加的, 但可能是服务器密码不对的原因, 不能正常使用

> 感谢回复。扫码的功能我这边还是有问题,点击后会报错。 ![2022-03-28 20-02-32 的屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42203193/160394128-89fb7214-8675-4869-8569-3b29df950627.png)