Hey there, sorry it's too long time ago I made this project and I also haven't the tools installed anymore to test this. As far as I know I just...
Hi Andrea, I found meanwhile the problem. The external audio-DAC is expecting a real I2S signal (which means that MSB starts in the second clock-cycle after WCLK is toggling). However...
Can you try to do a make clean command? I think it‘s „idf.py clean“ and then restart the build process? U replaced all files from my github? BR Markus wolfpaw98...
Are you asking now explicit about the arm_rfft_fast_f32 function or in general about interfacing the microphone? I have uploaded a project where I'm showing how to interface a PDM microphone...
Well the fft function is working on floating-point 32 bit. It doesn't matter if you keep the data between +1 and -1 or if it is scaled to some higher...