
Results 17 comments of Yeregorix

I've been doing support on the Sponge discord for a few years now and I've seen a lot of Timings reports but I've rarely been able to extract anything other...

Probably fixed by e5b76b6.

A plugin modifying an open inventory. Code to reproduce: ```java Inventory inv = ViewableInventory.builder().type(ContainerTypes.GENERIC_9X6).completeStructure().plugin(plugin).build(); player.openInventory(inv); inv.set(0, ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.STONE)); ``` Logs: SpongeVanilla 8.1.0-RC1175

I can throw an item with an appropriate velocity, like a projectile but I still need to listen `CollideBlockEvent.Impact` but its only called for "real" projectiles.

That's it mainly. I think ~~`ProjectileSource#launchProjectile` can also be modified to accept all entities and~~ `Projectile#getShooter/setShooter` can be moved to `Entity#getShooter/setShooter` or maybe replaced by a data key/manipulator. That's just...

We should add a kind of ChunkTranformer that would edit the chunk data when the chunk is going to be sent to the client (without loading it ?)

Yes but you're using mixin, it would be nice if the API would allow us to edit chunks when packets are generated. I've also seen you got a performance issue...

Nice work! It would be nice if a similar API could be added in SpongeAPI. It could be a ClientBlockVolume, a ClientEntityUniverse, and many others client side stuffs, also, it...

Since the view will be different for each player I think the best solution is to mixin in `PlayerChunkMapEntry` to listen for block changes or packet sending and to modify...

There are still other `printStackTrace()` indeed. Most of them are in the test plugins / unit tests, I thought it wasn't really important. Some others are in asm class visitors...