Maybe with a component, or sub-component of Fighter? Generate Items in a thing's cell when that thing is killed.
Fighter Component should have Level value, which applies only to monsters. Level effects monster stats, and determines XP value when killed. Keep track of XP/Player Level in the global player...
Map generates the contents of each Room in its data. Build some more comprehensive way of rolling "encounters" for each room, while KISSing. Model something after a DMG approach of...
When a character dies, they are placed in the Hall of Heroes. This is a glorified high score table in the form of a procedurally-generated Obituary. *"Vladimir the Smasher survived...
a Trap thing is triggered when the Player enters its cell. Traps are initially invisible, and are revealed when triggered. Have a "disarm" action at some point, and a "RemoveTrap"...
A small map on the GUI should display the entire revealed map. Probably a TextureRect with a generated Image being applied as a texture. 1 pixel in the Image represents...