
Results 67 issues of YeOldeDM

Generating new floors revisiting old floors? The Bottom Floor

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Maybe with a component, or sub-component of Fighter? Generate Items in a thing's cell when that thing is killed.

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Fighter Component should have Level value, which applies only to monsters. Level effects monster stats, and determines XP value when killed. Keep track of XP/Player Level in the global player...

1 - Ready

Map generates the contents of each Room in its data. Build some more comprehensive way of rolling "encounters" for each room, while KISSing. Model something after a DMG approach of...

1 - Ready

When a character dies, they are placed in the Hall of Heroes. This is a glorified high score table in the form of a procedurally-generated Obituary. *"Vladimir the Smasher survived...

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a Trap thing is triggered when the Player enters its cell. Traps are initially invisible, and are revealed when triggered. Have a "disarm" action at some point, and a "RemoveTrap"...

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A small map on the GUI should display the entire revealed map. Probably a TextureRect with a generated Image being applied as a texture. 1 pixel in the Image represents...

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