Results 9 issues of Yariv

Hi, In the main file there is an include of appliction.h .. which lib is reated to? unable to compile & upload

Follow the instructions how to wire and upload everything up with ESP8266 ESP-12 NodeMCU. Uploaded the code and seems like its working fine and the device has ping from my...

Hi, This project work just fine for ws2812B, was trying to run it over ws2811, but leds not start. I changed the Arduino chipset to WS2811, but still did not...

Hi, Seems like that the application crash when connecting the pc to Bluetooth seeker. Any idea if it even possible?

was trying to flash ESP32 with EZ_FLASH, but after flashing i cant see the Enviral SSID... any ideas?

flashing was ok, connected via the phone and set the wifi creds, when going into geo pix wizard and click scan, the ESP8622 blue led is flashing twice (on each...

are there any plans to add the support of ?

Hello, Is it possible to add max number of backup files? something that would keep the last x zipped files?