Yanzhao Wang (王彦昭)

Results 15 issues of Yanzhao Wang (王彦昭)

Hi, I am using following configurations: ```shell - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2 with: miniconda-version: "latest" activate-environment: python-env python-version: 3.11 channels: conda-forge environment-file: "python_environment.yml" auto-activate-base: true - name: test run: | conda info...

**Describe the bug** https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot/blob/fa7108b45684c729c2e88b12d7fbf4bbb5a4dc65/fairtools/FairLogger.cxx#L192-L203 Here the program somehow call the `abort` when calling `fclose(stderr)` in the if statement. Therefore, it never reaches to the throwing line. **To Reproduce** Add a...

- Deprecation of Close method in FairSource/Sink. - Move the Close executions in the derived classes to their dtor (if needed). - Remove callings of the Close methods in FairRootManager...

ROOT header files can't be found because of an typo in FairMacros.cmake. Fixed by changing ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS to ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR Edit: It seems that this was changed deliberately by PR #1119. ---...

**Describe the bug** FileSink is not closed when FairRunOnline::Run() function is skipped resulting in **program crushing** when ROOT starts cleaning up variables. (Never closed for FairRunAna) **To Reproduce** Use any...

Add an inheritance interface to FairSource such that certain actions can be taken in the end of the run. ## Motivation FairSource class may have multiple readers to analyze raw...

In most cases, users store the event header data in a branch of the ROOT tree. Thus, event header is usually obtained by: ```cpp auto* evtHeader = dynamic_cast(FairRootManager::Instance()->GetObject("EventHeader.")); ``` This...

This issue is dedicated to discuss how we should write (or improve) getter functions in FairRoot. From the discussion with @dennisklein in PR #1254, we found it's very inconvenient to...

**Describe the bug** Multiple crashes in ctests are not caught by the CI workflow. ### Unused file source in run_reco_timebased.C https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot/blob/fa7108b45684c729c2e88b12d7fbf4bbb5a4dc65/examples/advanced/Tutorial3/macro/run_reco_timebased.C#L42-L48 Here even though the file source `fFileSource` is initialised,...

This PR contains lots of new features. Here is the list: 1. Implementing Conan package manager for R3BRoot. Just like Pip or Conda for python, Conan is the most popular...