
Results 11 issues of XuyangBai

Hello, I am trying to train your model on CIFAR10 by loading cifar picture and modify some hyperparameter in `trainDataSpaceNetwork` and `generateFigure` ```python def loadCIFAR(): with open("cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_1", 'rb') as f:...

Hi, Thanks for your sharing. In your project website you mentioned that the ply file for geometric registration fragments `Each fragment is a 3D point cloud of a surface, integrated...

Hi, Thanks for sharing this great dataset. For scenes with large glass, there usually exist some LiDAR points behind the glass maybe due to the reflection, and sometimes the points...

Hi @tmbdev Thanks for sharing the excellent libaray. When I use webdataset to build my dataset, my training program stops at some random iterations. The GPU utility is still high...


Hi, thanks for sharing this excellent work. When I add an IoU prediction branch with varifocal loss to my anchor-free detection model, the mAP does increase, but I find the...

Hi @lijx10 Could you please provide some insight on why USIP performs so well on KITTI? Even only 4 keypoints are detected, USIP achieves 34% relative repeatability, which is really...

Hi, I really appreciate your work on point cloud keypoint detection. Is there any estimated date for the release? Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot for your great work and code, do you have a plan to add support for rigid transformation estimation? Best, Xuyang

Hi thanks for sharing the excellent work. I wonder how the feature re-use is performed. As mentioned in your paper, feature reuse brings a huge gain, but I can not...

Hi, thanks for your sharing. I find for each decoder layer, you use the `cluster_xyz` as the initial location instead of the updated `base_xyz` https://github.com/zeliu98/Group-Free-3D/blob/ef8b7bb5c3bf5b49b957624595dc6a642b6d0036/models/detector.py#L221-L227 My question is since each...