By the way, when I just run `xpclr -h`. It got the same error. Maybe something wrong with installation?
`pip install scikit-allelis` temporarily is unavailable for my system. I can only used conda to install it now. `conda create -n xpclr python=3.10.4 xpclr=1.1.2` Do I need to reinstall this?...
> did you run it correctly? I have installed xpclr with python and conda, but not worked. So I changed the original version and it works. Not yet. Neither the...
> sorry, I forgot the process with my package. I used " python setup.py install", python >3. Input files are geno and snp, vcf does not work. It is OK....
`Error. nthreads cannot be larger than environment variable "NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS" (64)2022-08-30 09:30:36 : INFO : running xpclr v1.1.2 2022-08-30 09:30:36 : INFO : Loading VCF 2022-08-30 09:30:37 : INFO : VCF...
And this is the command `/ds3200_1/users_root/miniconda3/envs/xpclr/bin/xpclr --format vcf --input /ds3200_1/users_root/final/1.ld.vcf.gz --samplesA e --samplesB m --chr LG01 --minsnps 10 --maxsnps 300 --size 20000 --step 10000 --out ./e_m/e.m.LG01.out `
> @SticaC there should not be a problem when using `-lowMem` using this many trees, and the job suggests only 13473516kb or approximately 13GB is used. When you set the...
`java -Xmx16g /ds3200_1/users_root/beast/lib/launcher.jar beast.app.treeannotator.TreeAnnotator -burnin 20 -heights mean aa.trees out.txt` `/ds3200_1/users_root/beast/bin/treeannotator -Xmx16g -burnin 20 -heights mean aa.trees out.txt` ...
> The `-Xmx` directive is an option for java, so the first entry is correct: > > ``` > java -Xmx16g /ds3200_1/users_root/beast/lib/launcher.jar beast.app.treeannotator.TreeAnnotator -burnin 20 -heights mean aa.trees out.txt >...
Sorry. I tried but still failed in the same error. `conda create -n easySFS_py310 python=3.10 conda activate easySFS_py310 mamba install dadi mamba install pandas` And `mamba list` shows versions are...