Xandar Null
Xandar Null
@Scrumplex @ZekeSmith , it's been months and i think this feature would be great, maybe the devs should reconsider adding it in the next update.
it's been 2 years and I think this would be a great addition to sodium, yes there are mods that can do this but that's not the point, these mods...
> Close this issue. Translations will be with Crowdin. lmao it's not your call, it's not an issue it's a pr, and the devs can decide if they want to...
> I think we might have some issues with right-to-left not really, flutter handles it really well, you can compile the app with my ar.json as en.json and check.
> Translations for ReVanced Manager can be done on [Crowdin](https://translate.revanced.app/) Read when the pull request was posted, there wasn't a crowdin page and now i contribute there
yes true, merge when
merge now or else
merge when?
still waiting btw