Please add allowances for dander allergies and animal phobias, please. I approve of dander-bearing animals from a distance, but the fuzzy cuties make breathing difficult for some of us.
Assuming it's the same issue, they're not working again. The watermarks that let us know if someone is, for example, polyamorous "P" or someone we're considering "?" or someone we've...
I like the idea of at least adding more questions to the _non-monogamy_ section to get an idea of exactly what sort of non-monogamy we're talking about: swinging, polyfidelity, OPPs...
I like this idea, too!
OKC has opened up the gender listings a bit, so this may be less of an issue now.
I agreed with this in another thread before I noticed the "plannedfuture" label. :)
Oh, hooray! I really missed the _Notes_ feature.
I do try to remember to scroll down to that part of their profile to check, though it's always an afterthought. "We're a high match! The plug in responses look...
I like this idea. There are some things that just flat out aren't negotiable for a particular person, and it's nice to be able to see those first in that...