
Results 10 issues of WrongBit

I have Win7x64 with installed Opera, Chromium, previous VSCodium, maybe other clumsy "chromium-based" apps presented too. I installed latest 1.61.2 (w/o updates) MSI file and when I tried to start...

Hi! I use VS2019(WPF installed) on Win7x64. I downloaded full sources and tried to build, but got this error: > MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft...

I compile this project with Nemerle coming with sources. I receive this error: ``` C:\Program Files (x86)\Nemerle\Net-4.0\Nemerle.MSBuild.targets(289,5): error : internal compiler error: got some unknown exception of type System.TypeLoadException:...

For compilation I use Nemerle (manually built). When I do `MSBuild.exe Ammy.sln`, some code compiles OK, but then fails on "Ammy.Syntax.nproj": error : internal compiler error : got some...

Can anybody explain, how "The Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library is made up of 6 major components: blah-blah... auth... request..." can help user to understand WHAT IS MS GRAPH? The...

Request: documentation

When you type "object.fu", Intellisense inserts just "function", while full syntax is "object.function();". Why these parens and semicolon are skipped? I know **sometimes** I should insert arguments, but even in...

Feature Request
Dev17 IDE Priority

Didn't find any proper documentation how to use this program. Sorry, I don't wanna GUESS what I should click and next lose all my files!

4 errors of such type. Maybe this 'Shdw' produces other errors "name "SystemDropShadowChrome" does not exist" (I presume). I added screen how VS 16.10.2 sees first problemmatic code: https://imgur.com/OQH2Cng

I follow section "How to install/use" - added ref to Aero, added 'Page' DarkTheme.xaml, but project cannot compile, because inside it has "x:Class="REghZyFramework.Themes.DarkTheme" - what's that?? Theme - it's about...

I referenced standard library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.8\PresentationFramework.Aero2.dll And for DarkTheme.xaml VS complains: Error XDG0008 The name "SystemDropShadowChrome" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Themes;assembly=PresentationFramework.Aero2" (around 20 such messages) I...