Riley Cat
Riley Cat
related: #351, #352
slimCat does not have any explicit proxy support, it just asks windows for a connection.
I didn't have any particular plans to implement this before, and I'm still not sure I have one now, since I don't think F-list's API supports this, and I've already...
Well .... This'll be fun to test, I guess.
This is _technically_ a breaking change.
Fix here would be kind of costly just due to how the shortcuts work, as they're created per input box and aren't aware of each other.
This is actually more complicated than I was thinking it was going to be, since the collapse can appear _before_ or bbcode starts, or _after_, and it must handle both...
> Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program Seems like you have the problem right there?
Is there any particular things which cause it to crash them? Looking at a profile with a very large image, perhaps?
How long do you have slimCat open before it crashes?