I encountered some problems. When I opened the block environment after running build.cmd, an error occurred: Severity Code Description Item File Line Suppressed Status Details Error Unable to instantiate module...
> 我正在使用remove-simmode存储库,并且面临以下问题: 每当我启动airsim_node.launch文件时,Unreal都会崩溃,并在SimModeBase.cpp的第533行中出现访问冲突错误,我认为getImageCapture()返回null指针。我在下面添加了异常的图像。  > > 这是调用堆栈:  > > 我正在 Unreal 4.27.2 上运行remove-simmode fork,并在 WSL2 上的 Ubuntu 20.04 上运行airsim_ros_pkgs (ROS 1)。 > > 我已经使用主 Airsim 存储库以及 Colosseum 存储库(使用...
Thank you for your help, but it seems that cmake still cannot find sdl2, even though I have installed sdl2.🥺
> Have you already sovled it? I met this problem,too. I have solved it. Maybe you should download the source file of SDL2 and compile it.
I have encountered this problem before. Maybe you need to use pcltools to convert the ply files to pcd files. For example, "pcl_ply2pcd input_file.ply output_file.pcd".
You could also see https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/PredRecon/issues/2
> Pretrained model ckpt is shown in README. Put it in https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/PredRecon/blob/master/Planner/Code/src/fuel_planner/exploration_manager/launch/algorithm.xml#L147 > > 1. You can omit the tf warning. > 2. If you are ready, you can trigger...
> > > Pretrained model ckpt is shown in README. Put it in https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/PredRecon/blob/master/Planner/Code/src/fuel_planner/exploration_manager/launch/algorithm.xml#L147 > > > > > > 1. You can omit the tf warning. > > >...
After I changed prob_file
My rviz is also blank and the depth image has output, but the drone does not move.😥