Will Green
Will Green
The difference is that the STM32 L4 is based on the same Cortex M4F as the STM32 F4. The F7 is a completely different MCU design: Cortex-M7F. So I think...
@hellow554 now I understand! Apologies for any confusion. Alas it seems the L4 is too new for the [standard peripheral libraries](http://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32-standard-peripheral-libraries.html?querycriteria=productId=LN1939). So I guess I'm out of luck. The options...
Thanks. I look forward to hearing how you get on with the L496Z.
Thank you for your suggestions. I'll review them in detail when I return to working on my _Maths and Algorithms with FPGAs_ series later this spring.
There's a new module temporarily named **xd2**. Once it's rolled out everywhere, we can replace the original **xd**.
HDMI serializer chips are only sold to HDMI Adopters (joining fee $5,000). However, it's relatively straightforward to serialize video data on an FPGA and then output it directly to an...
Thank you for your suggestion. I've not used the GitHub discussion feature before. I'll take a look and get back to you.
The [Sinescroll demo](/projf/projf-explore/tree/main/demos/sinescroll) doesn't suffer from this issue and provides a template for a fix. See code under: ```// delay pixel colour to match address calculation```
Thank you for your PR. I am currently on leave and will review your request in October.
Thank you for your patience. 🙏 I have merged my outstanding branches, so your PR is the next thing I'll work on.