This already exists: https://github.com/bitfocus/companion-module-media-player-classic It could use an update to request the status.html from the player and allow those to be used as variables and indicate current playback status, volume...
Small caveat with @genabasov latest iteration of the code, it removes any separate 'option' that might have been in the select. Fixing this issue in the actual `dropdown.js` seems to...
I would go even further with adding more tabs for individual settings on the sources, the show/hide transition overrides, scale filters and the 'Edit Transform' dialog values could get a...
You can force keyframes to be created every second in the options for your recording settings, that should at least get you closer to the configured 25s, but still won't...
In the 29.1 betas it just does not load at all: ``` LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/obs-screenshot-filter.dll': The specified module could not be found. (126) Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/obs-screenshot-filter.dll' not loaded ```
Do you have Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling enabled or disabled? > Windows 10: ⚙️Settings → System → Display → Graphics Settings > Windows 11: ⚙️ Settings → System → Display →...
This seems to now be partially possible with [`&slotmode`](https://docs.vdo.ninja/advanced-settings/director-parameters/and-slotmode) in the director view and (optionally?) [`&slots`](https://docs.vdo.ninja/advanced-settings/mixer-scene-parameters/and-slots) on the _?scene(=n)&room=name_ but requires extra steps, such as setting up a `&api=roomendpoint` (without...
You can use `https://player.twitch.tv/?parent=twitch.tv&channel=channelname` as URL for a fullscreen Twitch stream video player. I tried using the `http://twitch.tv/channelname/popout`, which doesn't work in the URL as input, but when you visit...
My colleague @cheddZy actually brought up a few good point and some additional suggestions after showing him my concept and provided his own. * State button toggles for loop/shuffle should...
The HUD for TF2 requires every file and folder name to be lowercase when using it under linux. I have a snippet of code somewhere that does a `mv` for...