Results 17 issues of WM

8 positions from the right instead of 2 from the left for lat/lon

Hi ! Thanks for the nice locker ! I tried to use it on Manjaro with 3 screens and I got the following errors: ``` # mantablockscreen -i img/background.png /usr/local/bin/mantablockscreen:...

Great work on this card ! I found a little bug when displaying a media_player. If the title is too long, then, the controls disappear.


## Device - Product name: zigfred uno - Manufacturer: Siglis - Model identifier: zigfred uno - Device type : Switch ## Screenshots ## 05 ### Basic ### Identify ### Alarms...

Device Request

**Checklist:** - [x] I updated to the latest version available - [x] I cleared the cache of my browser **Release with the issue:** 1.11.0-beta **Last working release (if known):** n/a...


Hi ! Thanks for the great work on that project, it's working really well ! ### FEATURE DESCRIPTION It would be a nice feature to be able to display an...

Update pages.py for alarm_control_panel and sun entities.

Hi ! Thanks for the amazing work ! I was wondering if it would be possible to have the option to display the forecast as well ? Thanks ! Kind...


Hi ! Thanks for the great work on that project ! I have an issue awnings, the status is inverted. When they are closed, the status is "open" when they...

### New Feature HI ! Thanks for the great work ! Would it be possible to add the azimuth value to the list of sensors ? Kind regards, WM ###...
