Results 17 issues of WM

Hi ! Thanks for the great work on this firmware ! I was wondering if, as it is the case for Z2M, you could implement a button that would enable...

Hi ! Once again thanks for the amazing work on this component. I've recently added a new Axis camera in my setup and I get the following error in HA:...

Hi, Thanks for the great work ! I've recently installed a new AXIS I8016-LVE and I was wondering if the internal speaker could be seen in HA as a media_player...

In the install.sh script, the port is asked to the user but the $port variable is never used when CredSniper is [started](https://github.com/ustayready/CredSniper/blob/b7e3f2984a2b78d155c08a63e07c039eaa9cdb26/install.sh#L133).

Hi ! Since 2021.8.0, a new [Home Energy management](https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/08/04/home-energy-management/) has been added to HA. [Utility Meter](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/utility_meter/) can be configured to track consumptions of various utilities (e.g., energy, gas, water, heating)....

help wanted

Would be great to be able to have **config.json** file somewhere else instead, by specifying an option argument or have **hue-mqtt-bridge** looking in default *unix folders such as **/etc** or...

I'm using the M5Stick but I find that the WiFi and BLE range is really short. Does anyone else is experiencing the same ?