Results 4 issues of WetABQ

- [x] 我已确认自己在反复寻找后没有发现已有相似功能 - [x] 我已确认该特性不与其他 Issues 撞车 ## 新功能描述 (必须) 收集并统计机器人命令调用次数,生成趋势


### Issue Description A question about breaking the block. 一个关于破坏方块的问题. I thought this was a server configuration or a client configuration problem. 我本以为这是服务器配置或者是客户端配置的问题. But looks like this is not the...

This [diagram]( is excerpted from the blog that is licensed under [CC BY-SA 4.0](, it should add a reference to the original source [原神 2.8 KCP 验证密钥交互流程解析与流量解密](


- [x] I have read the [guidelines for submitting issues]( ## 🐛 Describe the bug When using this plugin and generating the proto by [Wire](, it will corrupt the Wire...