Wayne Jones
Wayne Jones
@pqminh Yup that resolves the type issue
@AnandChandrakar Ah I see, I think I was going off of this page tutorial which is a direct link from the docs in the Setup section. This doesn't have that...
@ShaunEvening Would you be able to update the Recipes page to match what's in the addons themes doc?
@chadstewart Until this is merged into the `dev` branch could I branch off of [133-set-up-shadcn](https://github.com/TechIsHiring/techishiring-website/tree/133-set-up-shadcn) to work on the other ShadCN implementation related issues?
@chadstewart Any idea when this PR could be implemented?
@chadstewart Almost done with this PR. I've noted a few things including no current replacement for the Spinner Component in the ShadCN UI. Is there an alternative that you were...
> @chadstewart Almost done with this PR. I've noted a few things including no current replacement for the Spinner Component in the ShadCN UI. Is there an alternative that you...
@chadstewart Any update on when the PR #164 issues would be corrected and merged in?