**Version: develop Mods: ACE Mode: MP** Looks like some bug exists between the task "Help refugees" and the HR given after the mission. After completing the mission not only received...
After recuiting an rifleman AI unit noticed that he came out with MP7 (PDW) and cap (no helmet). It is weird since there are much better rifleman weapons (5.56 and...
**Version: develop Mods: ACE Mode: MP** After retrieving the prisoners and deliver them to the HQ noticed that they didn't left the group meaning that the task wasn't completed. Steps...
**Objective**: Implement supply lines (ammo/fuel/repair) between bases/airfields and other locations. **Idea**: Once a day a supply truck or heli drop deploys support for the other locations (resources/outpost/factory/powerplant). If this supply...
After recruiting a mortar squad and losing the resources I could not command it CODE: if (_type == "Survivor") exitWith { ["", "",> 10:14:25 Error position: 10:14:25 Error Undefined variable...
The hit space to re-spawn unconscious screen only works if you respawn throught the vanilla process (press ESC and then select the RESPAWN option) **P.S. Tested with ACE in DEVELOP...
Some of the check points have duplicated objects (bunker, flag pole and MGs) **P.S. Tested with ACE in DEVELOP branch in MP** 
The HQ fortifications (sandbags, camo net, vehicle spawn pad) are currently spawning randomly near the base. Player can't place them where they want or move them after deployed. **P.S. Tested...
It would be nice to have some sort/filter for the saves. Showing the date and hour of save could also work
**Version: develop Mods: ACE Mode: MP** Although most enemies were above the containers, one enemy was inside a container that did not had any doors. Multiple grenades and shots were...