
Results 29 comments of Waelwindows

For anybody finding themselves in this position, here's a workaround ```rust fn relative_offset(reader: &mut R, ro: &ReadOptions, args: A) -> BinResult where R: Read + Seek, BR: BinRead, { let...

This is a great solution, however keep in mind that the magic isn't taken into account, so you'll have to account for that

Which difficulty?

The DSC opens correctly now. In the latest experimental build

I tried, but FieldOffset doesn't really allow for negative offset

Here are some [example code and a test file.](https://github.com/jefffhaynes/BinarySerializer/files/1715863/DatabaseTests.zip) When deserializing the file you can see that you get this https://i.imgur.com/IyDAdBd.png ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5228243/36090644-35236be6-0ff2-11e8-8fe6-db4423d01194.png) But if you look at an entry, ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5228243/36090631-29f62222-0ff2-11e8-8b3b-35c998da2607.png)...

Yes, even though I managed to find a hack around it. But it would be better to have native support for that

I don't think there's any thing that could go wrong with deserialization. Shouldn't it just act as if you set the steam offset to that location?

There are some ints. But don't forget that the strings will always come after those ints, so it wouldn't conflict with the previous ints locations, That way, deserialization and serialization...

The AbsoluteOffset should start from the beginning of the file. Yeah, but how I would use this would be relative to the end of the ints